General knowledge of United States

Mostly asked questions about United States

What is the capital city name of United States ?

How many state/provinces in United States ?

How many cities in United States ?

What is the currency code of United States ?

What is ISO2 of United States ?

What is ISO3 of United States ?

What is dialing/calling code of United States ?

What are the latitude and logitude of United States ?

What are geo coordinates of United States ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to United States

All above asked questions are very important for everyone, to keep strong your general knowledge you must know the answers of all above questions. Our best database gives the answers of these questions, answer of first asked question is very simple Washington is the capital city of United States. Second answer, there are 66 states in United States. Answer of 3rd questions is that there is only 19562 cities in United States. Fourth asked question is about currency no doubt which is backbone of every country, so USD is the currency code of United States its ISO2 is US, as well as its ISO3 is USA, and 1 is its phone/calling code. Last question is very important that's answer is mostly used to trace any country of the world on the google maps or other world map applications by their latitude and longitude which are also known as geo coordinates. The latitude and longitude of United States are 54.90000000 and -1.51667000 respectively, by using this information in world map applications you can get exact location of United States on world map with complete details as shown below in details.

Flag flag of US
Country Name United States
Country Code (ISO3) USA
Country Code (ISO2) US
Capital City Washington
Currency Code USD
Dialing Code 1
Latitude 54.90000000
Longitude -1.51667000
Total States/Province 66
Total cities 19562

All States/Provinces of United States and their cities

State No. State/Province No. of Cities
1 Alabama 378
2 Alaska 95
3 American Samoa 0
4 Arizona 227
5 Arkansas 287
6 Baker Island 0
7 California 1123
8 Colorado 289
9 Connecticut 191
10 Delaware 54
11 District of Columbia 5
12 Florida 845
13 Georgia 534
14 Guam 0
15 Hawaii 121
16 Howland Island 0
17 Idaho 142
18 Illinois 855
19 Indiana 434
20 Iowa 383
21 Jarvis Island 0
22 Johnston Atoll 0
23 Kansas 319
24 Kentucky 388
25 Kingman Reef 0
26 Louisiana 344
27 Maine 271
28 Maryland 364
29 Massachusetts 404
30 Michigan 526
31 Midway Atoll 0
32 Minnesota 460
33 Mississippi 295
34 Missouri 510
35 Montana 161
36 Navassa Island 0
37 Nebraska 238
38 Nevada 82
39 New Hampshire 186
40 New Jersey 549
41 New Mexico 182
42 New York 1054
43 North Carolina 554
44 North Dakota 133
45 Northern Mariana Islands 0
46 Ohio 756
47 Oklahoma 320
48 Oregon 255
49 Palmyra Atoll 0
50 Pennsylvania 1053
51 Puerto Rico 0
52 Rhode Island 54
53 South Carolina 283
54 South Dakota 167
55 Tennessee 386
56 Texas 1277
57 United States Minor Outlying Islands 0
58 United States Virgin Islands 0
59 Utah 207
60 Vermont 96
61 Virginia 503
62 Wake Island 0
63 Washington 433
64 West Virginia 217
65 Wisconsin 492
66 Wyoming 80